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Jul 19, 2011

Top Ten Signs Your Rabbi is a Bit Too Into Harry Potter

The following is not my own writing, see here for the original article. 

10. Wonders if the Half-Blood prince is from his mother's side
9. Refers to "Shabbos Goy" as "Shabbos Muggle"
8. Calls really bad short drashas: HogVorts
7. Instead of Yasher Koach he tells you: "2 points Gryffindor"
6. This shalosh shuddos talk will 100% be entitled: "Witchcraft and Wizardry in Halachah"
5. Calls a yeshivish guy Serious Black
4. Instead of tallis he's wearing a red and gold scarf
3. On his wall he has pictures of Great Rabbis including R' Dumbledore
2. Doesn't chap why Harry and Hermione were never a good shidduch
1. When he thanks the Lord, he clarifies: "Almighty, not Voldemort"


  1. This is hilarious! :D Thanks for reposting.

  2. Haha awesome, thanks for sharing. I love numbers 5 & 7

  3. haha kill me but i've never seen the Harry potter movies but i wish i had a rabbi like this, they're more fun!
